Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation
Our Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation programme builds on Phonics knowledge gained in Reception and covers Years 1 to 6. It offers a systematic, progressive approach to teaching these areas – to turn your students into fluent readers and writers!

Step 1:
Choose Teaching Delivery
Select the teaching option that works best for your school – print, digital or a combination!

Pupil and Teacher’s Books
Our write-in Pupil Books contain a year’s worth of daily lessons with detailed lesson plans for each page in the corresponding Teacher’s Books.

- Step-by-step lesson plans provided
- Continuous revision and consolidation of previous topics
- Bursting with practical, playful and purposeful activities
- Enables children to meet and exceed National Curriculum expectations

Jolly Classroom
Our online digital platform makes lesson planning and teaching a breeze!

- Aligns with the Science of Reading
- Year 1 lessons available
- Years 2-6 coming soon

Combining Digital and Print
Combining our digital and print resources gives you the best of both worlds!
Same great content, your choice how to teach it.

(Please note that Jolly Classroom only covers Year 1 Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation lessons currently, Years 2-6 will be available soon.)
- Interactive, engaging activities for whole-class teaching
- Lesson plans and teaching notes for every lesson
- Write-in Pupil Books
- Multi-sensory animations for formation, blending, and segmenting
- Games and songs to support learning
Step 2:
Select Supplementary Resources
Additional materials to add depth to your lessons
Whilst you can teach all areas of our programme successfully using the core resources in Step 1, we also offer a large selection of supplementary resources.

Find a Stockist
To locate a stockist of our resources in your area, click here. Or simply place your order online. You’ll find delivery information once you have added your products to the basket.