
Celebrating stories from around the world!

Jolly Phonics Folktales Readers are retellings of traditional folktales from around the world. They have a carefully controlled vocabulary and are specifically designed for children who are learning to read and write with Jolly Phonics.

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Jolly Classroom

Our online digital platform makes lesson planning and teaching a breeze!

  • 150+ lessons with fun activities and worksheets
  • Stories, songs, activities and flashcards
  • Lesson plans and teaching notes for every lesson - saves valuable planning time
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Guiding students to beautiful handwriting

Jolly Phonics Handwriting Books provide letter formation practice for beginner writers. Dotted letters and words (with starting dots) remind children how letters are formed, and encourage them to write words using sounds they know.

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Jolly Phonics

Bringing Literacy to life!

Jolly Phonics is the first stage in our programme and the foundation for our Spelling, Grammar, and Punctuation resources. With our high-quality, fun, multi-sensory, and adaptable resources, children will love learning to read with Jolly Phonics.

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Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation

Creating confident readers and writers!

Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation is the next stage in the programme, with resources covering Years 1 to 6. It introduces more spelling patterns and new grammatical concepts, such as parts of speech, sentence structure, and punctuation marks.

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Bumper Book of Phonics Fun

For fun, hands-on learning

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Jolly Learning Overview

Shop by Programme

Our programme is flexible, allowing you to teach according to your needs and with the resources that work best for your school. You can teach all of the areas of our programme (Phonics, Spelling, Grammar & Punctuation) using the printed Pupil and Teacher’s Books, our digital platform, Jolly Classroom, or a combination of both. Please be aware that Jolly Classroom only covers Reception and Year 1 lessons currently. We’re working hard to integrate Years 2-6 to the platform, which will be coming soon!


Jolly Phonics

Jolly Phonics is the first stage in our programme and the foundation for our Spelling, Grammar & Punctuation resources, which are introduced from Year 1.



Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation

Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation is the next stage in the programme, with resources covering Years 1 to 6. It introduces more spelling patterns and new grammatical concepts, such as parts of speech, sentence structure, and punctuation marks.



Helping children to become fluent readers


Helping children to become fluent readers

  • Over 150 books
  • All new tricky words and alternative vowel spellings used are shown on the inside front cover.
  • Faint type is used for silent letters, like the ‹b› in lamb. 
  • Comprehension questions and discussion topics are included at the end of the book.


Jolly Classroom

Take a look at what Mike Davies of Teachwire had to say about our digital platform.

From the teacher’s perspective, I can see this not only saving a lot of planning time, but also providing an easy-to-follow, carefully structured programme that should make teaching phonics a joy. It’s simple to set up and intuitive to use. But, just in case, like me, you are prone to techno-befuddlement, there are tips and instructions at every stage to keep you on track.

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